Larry's dictionary: Licensed under Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Last update epoch seconds: 1718308900 self-definition: a person who does not live and think according to accepted customs and standards typo: typographic error: typographic mistake: [noun] an aberrant spelling of a word, usually if typed on a keyboard laughing: [noun] a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, driven by various factors such as humor, mirth, and emotional reaction. These factors interact in a complex manner to produce laughter, which can take many different forms, depending on the specific context and individual involved. Some different kinds of laughs include spontaneous laugh, genuine laugh, awkward laugh, forced laugh, mocking laugh, maniacal laugh, etc. boredom: [noun] a state caused by a lack of sensory or intellectual stimulation, usually associated with being stuck in a routine or lacking meaningful activities. It's a common human experience and the exact triggers can vary from person to person. Some common triggers for boredom include a lack of variety or interesting activities, monotony, feeling stuck or trapped, feeling disconnected from others, or simply a lack of meaningful engagement. Humans may express boredom through various body language cues and verbal cues, such as fidgeting, yawning, disengaging from activities, sighing, speaking in monotone, or expressing frustration or discontent. brain optimization techniques: [noun] a set of cognitive tools and strategies that seek to maximize brain usage and productivity by structuring and organizing tasks and activities in a way that takes into consideration the inherent brain mechanisms ramification: [noun] utilization of volatile random access memory (RAM) as a substitute for non-volatile storage, such as a hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD), to temporarily store data